In São Salvador de Aramenha there is a city with 2000 years of history that, in the month of June, recreates life from those times. The return of the Romans to the city of Ammaia gives us the opportunity to learn more about the past in this beautiful region.

route typology
commemorative / historical
ethnographic / landscape

circular / ~16km / natur+urb / medium

route duration: 1 day
available all year


(next date:) June

subscription / regulation (pdf) (PT)


Starting in Ammaia we go to Portagem, we cross the Sever river on the medieval bridge and go up the medieval sidewalk to Marvão. Along old trails we go down to Escusa where we will find the lime kilns and limestones Romans. After a brief tasting of regional gastronomy we continued through the ash tunnel back to Ammaia where We ended the day with a visit to the city and followed the historical recreation of Roman times.